Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Fun items from The Consumerist

This first one cracked me up. Want something? Send $10 to the Somethingstore and they'll send you ... something. They pick it from their inventory. Recent somethings sent include: gourmet tea gift basket, leather wallet, duct tape wallet, Zippo lighter, hair trimmer. The list goes on!

And on a more practical note, CNN Money has a short & sweet article on the only seven investments you need for a balanced portfolio. Ready? Here ya go!
  • A blue-chip U.S.-stock fund
  • A blue-chip foreign-stock fund
  • A small-company fund
  • A value fund
  • A high-quality bond fund
  • An inflation-protected bond fund
  • A money-market fund
    They provide examples of all seven. Grab a Zecco account and get started today!
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